For years we’ve seen these steps that simply hook onto your door’s latch and you can use them as a step. Frankly, we always thought they were a good idea. Recently the folks from SUV Doorstep reached out and sent a sample for us to try out.

There couldn’t be a much simpler product. It’s a patented 6106-T6 aluminum step with a hinged hook. SUV Doorstep includes a rubber cover for the part that comes in contact with the door jamb. In fact, they include a spare in case the other one falls off or gets damaged. Also included is a velvet carrying bag. Fancy!

How to Install
This product is simple to use. Just open your door, pull up the hooked end, secure it over the door latch, and you now have a step to access your roof.

Both Mercedes and I aren’t exactly towering giants at 5’4″ and 5’7″ respectively, so any assistance to reach our roof racks is welcome. The SUV Doorstep definitely allows us to do this. The company claims the step has a weight limit of 510 lbs. (231 kg). I wouldn’t doubt this. Whether or not your vehicle’s door latch can hold that is a different story. For what it’s worth, those latches are generally pretty stout. Certainly, the latch on our 1992 Mitsubishi Pajero was totally fine with 145 lbs. of yours truly standing on it. I also recognize I’m pretty light. There are other reviews out there by people heavier than I am, however, and they don’t seem to be breaking their vehicles.

Is it Perfect?
While the product is simple, easy to use, and effective, it’s not flawless. The hinge on the two-piece step feels a bit floppy and budget-oriented. It doesn’t feel like it’s going to break, however. Also, while the rubber cover does protect the paint in the door jamb, I do feel like it could fall off very easily. I might attach ours more permanently with silicone. But, hey, they give you two of these, so I appreciate that.

The SUV Doorstep is available in red, yellow, or black. Personally, I appreciate the higher visibility colors as they’re harder to lose. Oh, these also have an integrated glass break on one end. The pointed metal part can be used to smash your window in an emergency situation.
The price at the time of publication is $39.99, and there are discounts if you buy more than one. The product has a one-year warranty and is manufactured in Hong Kong according to the box. They will work with most vehicles, but the website does list seven vehicles that are incompatible.
There are lots of versions of these steps out there. Some are more expensive, some are in the same ballpark, and some are less than $10 on eBay or Wish. We have not gotten our hands on any of these other products. At this price point, we feel there could be some improvements made to the overall product feel, however.
We’ll definitely be throwing this step in our glovebox when we head out on adventures and giving it a go. It’s compact and useful, and what more could you want from a portable step?
All photos by Mercedes Lilienthal