When we bought our 2005 Subaru Forester XT, it came with a bunch of go-fast parts, coilover suspension, and a host of maintenance already done. However, as with many older vehicles, its headlights had yellowed. over the years. Shortly after our purchase, a mysterious Amazon box showed up, and inside was a 3M Headlight Lens Restoration System kit with a note. “Polish those headlights!” It was from my friend, Jon, from 4 High Garage. Plus, I’ve always wanted to learn how to polish headlights, so this was great!
I finally got around to polishing the headlights this week, and this kit worked very well. The kit is around $16 (thanks, Jon!) and was very easy, so long as you have a drill and can follow directions. To polish headlights, you simply use the included sanding pads and, eventually, the included rubbing compound. The results as you’ll see in the video are impressive for a $16 kit.
I also had enough pads and compound left to polish the corner markers on my Mitsubishi Delica too, which turned them from a faded yellow to a clean, shiny, and smooth look.
Hopefully, this video helps those who are looking to polish headlights on their vehicle. For the price, it’s hard to beat. When you have friends like Jon who send you the kit, you have no choice but to use it!