Before our JDM Pajeros or Delicas, before our Jeep Cherokee, we had a great little 1995 Suzuki Sidekick. We called it The Teal Terror. We sold the Teal Terror in 2016, and I always wondered what happened to it. Well, we recently found out. Check out our sister site, Subcompact Culture for the whole story.
Finding Our Long-Lost Suzuki Sidekick, The Teal Terror

Very nice, I had one from same family but was a black 1992 Asuna Sunrunner with a black convertible soft top. I guess later models became the Pontiac Sunrunner. Mine to was best car I ever had. I understand they made them all from side kick to Samaria, to Tracker etc in plant in Canada, all 4×4 with those great 1.2 litre Suzuki motors. Mine eventually rusted out but rest of it just kept on going